4 Things to Get Right When Redesigning a Website

Time goes by quickly, especially on the constantly changing web. Technology evolves just as rapidly as trends come and go, and consumer needs and expectations shift. For that reason, to compete in the online marketplace website owners need to adapt. For the day to day, that means keeping their content up to date and doing regular maintenance. However, even the best-maintained sites need an overhaul at some point – time for a website redesign. If you are currently thinking about redoing your web presences, here are four things you need to pay attention to.

While not an exhaustive list, here are the absolute essentials you need to know for a successful redesign of your website.

Know Your Audience and Define Your Goal Accordingly

One mistake many people make when planning a website redesign is thinking that their website is for themselves. However, nothing is further from the truth. A website is always for the people who end up using it – your clients and visitors. Consequently, the first thing to keep in mind is that the redesign is all about coming closer to their needs, not yours.

Aside from that, it’s important to define the overall goal. A fresh start should not just be about updating the looks. Redesigns should always be aligned with your business goals, preferably in the form of specific, measurable priorities. Assess the weaknesses of your current website for ideas on how to improve the next iteration.

Make Mobile a Priority

The worldwide shift to mobile devices is one of the biggest changes in the online environment of recent years. These days, more people access the web via phones and tablets than with laptops and desktop computers.

For website owners, that means mobile responsive design is an absolute must. Without a mobile-friendly site, you will lose out on loads of visitors who expect websites to cater to their needs.

Plus, search engines will punish you. Google doesn’t even show websites in their mobile search results anymore that don’t also offer a mobile-optimised version.

4 Things to Get Right When Redesigning a Website

Concentrate on Performance

Website speed is just as important as a site’s aesthetics. Mobile devices often have slower Internet connections than their larger counterparts and are less equipped to handle large websites.

Attention spans are short. Consumers expect websites to load within two seconds. If yours takes significantly longer, they will move on to someone else.

Claim your business on Google Webmaster to be up-to-date with aspects of your website that need improvement. Google Webmaster is one of the tools we use for our clients in order to see what needs to be modified and improved.

4 Things to Get Right When Redesigning a Website

Choose a Modern Design that Fits Your Brand

Your website’s design is a testament to your professionalism, trustworthiness and expertise. It greatly influences how people think of you and your company. If your site looks like it’s stuck in the 90s, this will most likely reflect poorly on you.

Therefore, when embarking on a website redesign, it’s important to create a design that is up to date and fits your brand, identity, and mission. That way, you also avoid confusing your customers and stay consistent across your marketing channels.

How Can We Help?

A website redesign can be a tall order. However, you don’t have to do it alone. Our expert team can help you with every step of the process, from branding and design to website development, deployment, and SEO. We even take care of all maintenance tasks for you. Want to know more? Then please get in touch with us.